segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2016

Conheça a delegação que representará o Brasil no Youth 20, na China

Após analisar mais de 120 inscrições, de quase todos os estados do país, e currículos competitivos, o Instituto Global Attitude anuncia oficialmente a delegação que participará do Youth 20 (Y20), realizado em Pequim e Xangai (China), nos dias 24 a 30 de julho.
O Y20 é o grupo oficial de compromisso da juventude do G20, que oferece a oportunidade de discutir questões globais e propor soluções a líderes mundiais. Neste ano, a Cúpula Y20 fará debates sob o tema “Innovation and Partnership for an Inclusive World” (Inovação e Parceria para um Mundo Inclusivo). Os resultados da reunião serão expostos aos líderes do G20, que levarão em conta a perspectiva da juventude durante suas discussões.
A delegação assistirá a debates e reuniões entre líderes mundiais e participará ativamente na discussão e elaboração de recomendações sobre questões importantes da agenda internacional.

Thomaz Talarico é nosso aluno e estará na delegação representando a PUC-Rio!

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

'Cachoeira da Gruta' (Cave Waterfall) on this Sunday April10.

Dear international students,
Once again the Maanaim group of hikers invites you to join us on a small
hike to the 'Cachoeira da Gruta' (Cave Waterfall) on this Sunday April10.
It's free, and you will be welcome! If you come, be sure to bring swimming
suits to shower in the waterfall.
The main meeting point is at the beginning of the trail, at 8 am, on the
Estrada Dona Castorina. The bus number 508 (old 409) has its final stop
at the end of Rua Pacheco Leão. From there, you have to walk uphill
one block, turn to the right on Estrada Dona Castorina, and continue
about three blocks (along the curving road, past IMPA - The Institute of
Pure and Applied Math - to the last house on the left side. The trail starts
on the right, and it is there that we shall meet at 8:00 (or a few minutes later).
The hike should end at about 11 or 11:30 am.
There are no steep parts of the trail, but of course you should be
reasonably prudent.
See more details below, in Portuguese.
Best wishes,
Padre Paul sj
PNT-SC - CACHOEIRA da GRUTA (nivel: 2-moderada)
Caros Caminhantes
A caminhada do proximo domingo, dia 10 de abril, sera a Cachoeira da Gruta. Ao enviar esta mensagem a jovens, destaque os Cuidados Especiais abaixo.
A cachoeira da Gruta fica no Rio Ourico, afluente do Rio dos Macacos, na Floresta dos Macacos, no lado sul da Serra da Carioca, proxima ao Horto Florestal e a cerca de 200 metros de altura. O Rio penetra na gruta e a agua cai em forma de queda de agua dentro da gruta, inicialmente em forma de chuva e mais ao fundo a agua jorra bem forte. So da para ver a forca da ducha dentro da gruta.
A Cachoeira da Gruta, alias como todas as cachoeiras abaixo da Vista Chinesa, ficavam na Fazenda dos Macacos de propriedade do Comendador Silva Porto que ampliou a casa original em 1844, dando-lhe o aspecto das casas senhoriais do Sec 19; a casa ficou conhecida por Solar da Imperatiz, apezar de nunca ter morado nenhuma Imperatriz naquela casa e hoje abriga a Escola Nacional de Botanica Tropical, apos fazer uma grande reforma na virada do seculo que manteve ao maximo as caracteristicas originais do Solar.
Ate recentemente, o Ponto de Encontro desta caminhada era no Horto Florestal, na Escola Nacional de Botanica Tropical, local conhecido como Solar da Imperatriz. Entretanto o grande No de novos visitantes e usuarios das cachoeiras da cidade fez-nos mudar o itinerario.
Na entrada da trilha, a direita da Estrada Dona Castorina, em frente a ultima casa e logo depois do IMPA- Instituto de Maatematica Pura e Aplicada, a cerca de 150 m da Rua Pacheco Leao.
Ha algumas vagas de estacionamento em frente a entrada da trilha na Estrada Dona Castorina mas pode-se tambem estacionar na Rua Pacheco Leao proximo da entrada da Estrada Dona Castorina, e subir a Estrada ate a entrada da trilha.
PRE -ENCONTRO: 7:30 h (Se necessario, ligue) - Saida: 7:45 h em ponto.
Quem quiser se juntar a caravana de carros para ir para o Encontro ou tentar ir na carona de outros, ha uma opcao na Zona Sul, mas nao ha garantia de vaga e os Caminhantes regulares tem preferencia:
- Na Rua Lineu de Paula Machado, no final da feira livre que acontece aos domingos nesta rua, logo apos a Rua J.J. Seabra, entre a Igreja Sao Jose na Lagoa e o Hospital da Lagoa na Rua Jardim Botanico ou ainda ao lado do Colegio de Aplicacao da UFRJ,
Taliberti: 9915-1748 Tumang: 8269-1881 Ronaldo: 99268-2946
Deveremos estar de volta as 11 h.
Cuidados especiais devem ser tomados pelos jovens que por serem mais afoitos, muitas vezes nao medem devidamente as consequencias de seus gestos. Ao enviar esta mensagem a jovens, chame a atencao deles para os perigos da caminhada, especialmente em Cachoeiras.

quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

TIP: 5 Apps that are going to change your stay In Rio de Janeiro

5 Apps that are going to change your stay In Rio de Janeiro

Fonte: Rio Hunter

Rio de Janeiro is a city that attracts people by the beaches, the water springs, the mountains, the party and so many other factors that are great. However, it can be overwhelming sometimes! Like any other big city, it can be difficult to take in just a few days. 

With this post we want to help you getting around so you don`t need much thinking and with just your phone you can find an inmediate solution for anything that can come up. You can use these apps and enjoy Rio de janeiro like a local!

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2016

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2016

Testimonial: Sasha Pastran - Carleton University

CPOPP Blog Post March 7, 2016
Sasha Hanson Pastran, MAPPA
Carleton University – PUC-Rio

My dream to study in Brazil began as soon as I left the country for the first time, after the 2014 World Cup. Along with a passion for ‘futebol,’ I was head over heels in love with this country - the people, the language, the cultures, the politics, the climate, the ‘alegria’, the chaos. I needed to return as soon as I could, even before finishing my Master’s degree, and the easiest way was through a student exchange program between Carleton and the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro.
After almost two years of planning and hard work – as well as a whole lot of support from the SPPA, the ISSO, CCCI, and my graduate supervisors Dr. Alex Mallet and Dr. Maria Angela Campelo de Melo - I have made it back to the “marvelous city” to immerse myself in a society that is completely outside of what I have known. I spent the first two months here in an intensive Portuguese course that gave me the linguistic foundation to take graduate level courses in Portuguese during the semester (which starts in March in Brazil). It has been a steep learning curve but knowing Spanish and French have helped me to get a grasp of the language quickly. I am also excited to play on the PUC-Rio varsity soccer team and to begin my independent major research, which will take me until the end of August.
With the help of a SSHRC Canada graduate scholarship and a MITACS Globalink research award, I have been investigating the impact of government policies and regulations on responsible mining practices and the prevention and resolution of mining conflicts during my Master’s degree. The first phase of my research was an evaluation of the effectiveness of Canada’s corporate social responsibility strategy for the extractive sector abroad, with my analysis published in Carleton Perspectives on Public Policy Journal. Here in Rio, I will examine the management of mining conflicts in Brazil, another country that has a significant impact on the global mining industry. My research will become part of a global research project on mining and forestry policies that Carleton's School of Public Policy and Administration is leading.

My Brazilian research project will focus on the case of the Samarco mine tailing dam break that took place on November 5, 2015, along the Rio Doce river in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The toxic waste that was released destroyed the village of Bento Rodrigues and the nearby town of Mariana, leaving an estimated 17 people dead and hundreds more homeless and without clean drinking water or a food source. Brazil's environment minister, Izabella Teixeira, has called the accident the country’s “worst-ever environmental disaster” in its history. BHB and Vale, the joint owners of the responsible iron ore mine, reached an R$10bn (US$2.6bn) out-of-court settlement with the Brazilian government for the damage. The settlement is well below the original R$20bn claim by Brazilian authorities and the estimated R$30bn long-term remediation and compensation costs.

The UN Human Rights Commission have attributed the bursting of the dam to a severe failure in the preventive approach by the managing companies, as well as inadequate enforcement of regulation in Brazil's mining sector. More generally, this disaster took place in the context of an economic recession, impeachment proceedings against the President, and corruption scandals involving some of the country’s major mining companies and members of the political establishment as congress proceeds with changes to the county's mining code. Considering this broader context of political and economic turmoil, my research will explore the corporate practices that could strengthen the environmental and social performance of mining companies, as well as the policies and regulations that could strengthen the conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms in the Brazilian Mining Code.
If you are thinking about studying abroad or doing independent research, I am happy to talk more to fellow students about my journey. Studying abroad and conducting independent international research is certainly a challenge that not everyone is able or willing to undertake. But everyday as an international student is filled with thrills, challenges, surprises and lessons that I would not get to experience any other way. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I am loving every moment.

LIxo Zero: Campanha por um Rio de Janeiro mais bonito

O Programa Lixo Zero, realizado pela Comlurb em parceria com a Guarda Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, prevê a aplicação de multas para quem sujar a cidade. A iniciativa tem como objetivo tornar a Lei de Limpeza Urbana (3273/2001) efetiva e conscientizar a população da importância de não jogar lixo nas ruas, praias, praças e demais áreas públicas, melhorando a qualidade da limpeza do Rio.

Como funciona a fiscalização
A fiscalização do programa Lixo Zero é realizada na cidade por duplas formadas por guardas municipais e agentes da limpeza urbana. O agente de limpeza urbana será o responsável por verificar algum desrespeito à Lei de Limpeza Urbana, informar ao cidadão a infração cometida e solicitar seu CPF. O guarda municipal será responsável por emitir Auto de Constatação. O guarda imprimirá a multa, utilizando smartphone e impressora portátil, contendo a descrição da infração, orientações, prazos para pagamento e eventual recurso.

Posteriormente, o infrator poderá emitir, via internet, no site da Comlurb (, o auto de infração e boleto de pagamento. Eventuais recursos deverão ser protocolados presencialmente na sede da Comlurb. O cidadão que for multado e não pagar poderá ter seu nome protestado e até inscrito no SERASA e SPC.

Os valores podem variar de R$ 170 a R$ 3.400,00 reais, dependendo da infração. O descarte irregular de lixos menores, até o tamanho de uma lata de refrigerante, custa ao bolso do cidadão R$170,00, se chegar a até 1 m³, R$ 425,00, e se for um volume superior a 1 m³ a multa será de R$1.062,00. Grande quantidade de entulho descartado e formando depósitos irregulares, a multa chega à R$ 3.400,00. 


Tip: Tour de Bike

Tour de Bike:
A ideia do tour é conhecer a cidade para a recém-chegado (to get you bearings, like the British say) em 3 a 4 horas de uma maneira sustentável e original. Depois do tour o participante deveria ter uma ideia do layout da cidade e quais são os lugares legais e interessantes para visitar.

Os tours têm paradas e conta com  guias que falam Inglês, Francês, Holandês e Espanhol. 

Temos bicicletas de modelo Holandês, leves, e especialmente para a cidade.

Mais informação sobre nossos tours:

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2016

Carioca Way of Life: Maracanã Stadium

Maracanã Stadium


From the opening goal from Didi, the inventor of the “banana kick”, in 1950, to the goals that will move the planet in the seven games that will host the World Cup 2014, including the grand final, the Maracanã has always been a temple of emotions and many joys. It has hosted the largest audience in the history of soccer (Brazil - Paraguay, 1969, about 200 thousand people), the thousandth goal by Pelé (1969), the 1950 World Cup and the Pan American Games in 2007, in addition to unforgettable shows by names like Frank Sinatra, Madonna, Paul McCartney and the Rolling Stones.

In 2016 Maracanã will host the opening and closing of the Olympic Games and is always with open doors for everyone, now fully refurbished and increasingly prepared to receive great matches. With its 78 thousand seats, it emerges as one of the most modern and safest stadiums in the world, offering a new experience of entertainment and leisure with the thrill of the “Maraca” of usually. Enjoy the convenience of public entries by the new access ramps, the proximity of the lawn and the vibe of the crowd in the stands with comfortable retractable seats. Come on! The house is yours! The Maracanã is for all.

Timing of visits: daily 9h to 17h (hourly) 
Duration: about 1 hour

Guided Tour Tickets:
Monday to Thursday:
Basic*: R$ 36.00 | half price: R$ 18.00 (without right to parking)
Premium**: R$ 56.00 | half price: R$ 28.00 (with right to parking car or van)
VIP***: R$ 72.00 | half price: R$ 36.00 (with parking of bus)

Friday, Saturday and Sunday:
Basic*: R$ 40.00 | half price: R$ 20.00 (without right to parking)
Premium**: R$ 60.00 | half price: R$ 30.00 (with right to parking car or van)
VIP***: R$ 76.00 | half price: R$ 38.00 (with parking of bus)

Monday to Thursday:
Basic*: R$ 20.00 | half price: R$ 10.00 (without right to parking)
Premium**: R$ 40.00 | half price: R$ 20.00 (with right to parking car or van)
VIP***: R$ 56.00 | half price: R$ 28.00 (with parking of bus)

Not Guided Tour Tickets (Only with audioguide or Tour App):
Basic*: R$ 30.00 | half price: R$ 15.00 (without right to parking)
Premium**: R$ 50.00 | half price: R$ 25.00 (with right to parking car or van)
VIP***: R$ 66.00 | half price: R$ 33.00 (with parking of bus)

*Without right to parking.
**With right to parking car or van.
***With parking of bus.
It is necessary that only one of the passengers buy the ticket with the right of parking. The others may purchase the basic ticket.
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Contact us on 0800 062 7222 with any questions.
