quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

TIP: 5 Apps that are going to change your stay In Rio de Janeiro

5 Apps that are going to change your stay In Rio de Janeiro

Fonte: Rio Hunter http://www.riohunter.com/en/

Rio de Janeiro is a city that attracts people by the beaches, the water springs, the mountains, the party and so many other factors that are great. However, it can be overwhelming sometimes! Like any other big city, it can be difficult to take in just a few days. 

With this post we want to help you getting around so you don`t need much thinking and with just your phone you can find an inmediate solution for anything that can come up. You can use these apps and enjoy Rio de janeiro like a local!


2 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Quantas pessoas q estudam na PUC e falam ingles precisam de um site pra lhes avisar q existe o Tinder, o Uber e o Google Translator ???
